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Education Isn’t Limited To Books

We designed My institute to revolve around Educators and learners. A learner seeks knowledge and not books which are simply available in the market. Why are most of the poor people uneducated when they can easily have the access to second hand books? Because without an educator books won’t exist! They not only spread lessons to be successful in your career but also in the live chess of your life!

So with the advanced assessment and assignment features we want that single step of yours to be like the king of the game. Making or breaking!

Supercharged documents and videos

    AI engine processes documents and automatically suggests highly relevant videos from the web for the content you are reading on the page enabling users to gain a better understanding of the topic

    AI engine processes videos and automatically creates a table of contents and a cloud phrase of key concepts covered in the video allowing users to directly jump to the relevant portions of the video


Online Education

We have Live University LMS too...!!!

  • Instructors love My institute for how easy it is- to import, build and manage courses, to grade, to communicate with their students, and to love.

  • Fast and steady wins the race!

  • How evolved are we? We Reimagined the entire education system before it was implemented!!

  • Wonder how fast we are and how steady you’d be:)

Multi-level reporting

  • Student, Course and Institution level reports

  • Graphical and analytical reports

  • Excel reports that can be download for further analysis

  • Custom reports with ability to configure your own fields and filters and generate reports

LMS for Schools

Online Digital Virtual Classes

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